081 66 49 29
Via Porta Posillipo 135d, Napoli (Italia)


2-hour SPA treatment with dinner or lunch at “Il Pazzo” in Posillipo


Dive into luxury and comfort at the LiteLife SPA in Naples, your ideal retreat to disconnect from your routine and immerse yourself in an oasis of tranquillity. With our exclusive “La Pazza Gioia” package, you will not only enjoy a relaxing 2-hour SPA treatment, but you will also treat yourself to a dinner or lunch at the famous “O’pazz” restaurant in Posillipo, where dishes that tickle the palate blend with the entertainment, music, and cheerfulness of the most authentic Neapolitan tradition.

The price indicated is for a single person.

What the package includes

Entrance to our wellness path for two hours
Dinner or lunch at the “Il Pazzo a Posillipo” restaurant

What the menu includes

Antipasto centrepiece:
1 mozzarella per person;
Samples of aubergine parmigiana;
Samplings of courgette parmigiana;
Meatballs with meat sauce;
Bruschette with tomato sauce;
Mixed fried Italian style;
Mexican style beans.
First courses:
Samples of two first courses of your choice from our menu.

The price indicated is for a single person.


Dive into luxury and comfort at the LiteLife SPA in Naples, your ideal retreat to disconnect from your routine and immerse yourself in an oasis of tranquillity. With our exclusive “La Pazza Gioia” package, you will not only enjoy a relaxing 2-hour SPA treatment, but you will also treat yourself to a dinner or lunch at the famous “O’pazz” restaurant in Posillipo, where dishes that tickle the palate blend with the entertainment, music, and cheerfulness of the most authentic Neapolitan tradition.

The price indicated is for a single person.

What the package includes

Entrance to our wellness path for two hours
Dinner or lunch at the “Il Pazzo a Posillipo” restaurant

What the menu includes

Antipasto centrepiece:
1 mozzarella per person;
Samples of aubergine parmigiana;
Samplings of courgette parmigiana;
Meatballs with meat sauce;
Bruschette with tomato sauce;
Mixed fried Italian style;
Mexican style beans.
First courses:
Samples of two first courses of your choice from our menu.

The price indicated is for a single person.

Per info e prenotazioni scrivere su Whatsapp al numero 081 66 49 29. L’eventuale disdetta deve avvenire non oltre 24 ore prima del trattamento o il voucher si considererà fruito. Il pacchetto può essere acquistato in promozione solo se preacquistato attraverso la transazione con coordinate bancarie o attraverso l’acquisto online. L’acquisto è valido per la durata di 6 mesi ed è obbligatoria la prenotazione.

Additional information

Number of people

Couple, One person
