081 66 49 29
Via Porta Posillipo 135d, Napoli (Italia)


All you can Infrafit


The system to accelerate aerobic metabolism, general and localized slimming and good mood. Moderate but constant movement combined with heating of fat tissue by infrared rays accelerates aerobic metabolism precisely where it accumulates most; therefore, you can choose where to lose weight.

By using fat as an energy source, you lose weight naturally, without the need for strict dieting.
Appetite is reduced by a direct action on the hypothalamus.

With this formula you can also use Intrafit every day until June 30.

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The system to accelerate aerobic metabolism, general and localized slimming and good mood. Moderate but constant movement combined with heating of fat tissue by infrared rays accelerates aerobic metabolism precisely where it accumulates most; therefore, you can choose where to lose weight.

By using fat as an energy source, you lose weight naturally, without the need for strict dieting.
Appetite is reduced by a direct action on the hypothalamus.

With this formula you can also use Intrafit every day until June 30.

Per info e prenotazioni scrivere su Whatsapp al numero 081 66 49 29. L’eventuale disdetta deve avvenire non oltre 24 ore prima del trattamento o il voucher si considererà fruito. Il pacchetto può essere acquistato in promozione solo se preacquistato attraverso la transazione con coordinate bancarie o attraverso l’acquisto online. L’acquisto è valido per la durata di 6 mesi ed è obbligatoria la prenotazione.
