081 66 49 29
Via Porta Posillipo 135d, Napoli (Italia)


Three-month gym membership

180,00 / month for 12 months

The subscription will be renewed automatically each month for a duration of one year, at the end of which a new package must be purchased.

You can suspend monthly renewals for up to 3 months directly from your user area.

The subscription can be suspended at any time by contacting us at or on 081.664929, partial monthlies already spent are non-refundable.

Category: Tag:


The subscription will be renewed automatically each month for a duration of one year, at the end of which a new package must be purchased.

You can suspend monthly renewals for up to 3 months directly from your user area.

The subscription can be suspended at any time by contacting us at or on 081.664929, partial monthlies already spent are non-refundable.

Per info e prenotazioni scrivere su Whatsapp al numero 081 66 49 29. L’eventuale disdetta deve avvenire non oltre 24 ore prima del trattamento o il voucher si considererà fruito. Il pacchetto può essere acquistato in promozione solo se preacquistato attraverso la transazione con coordinate bancarie o attraverso l’acquisto online. L’acquisto è valido per la durata di 6 mesi ed è obbligatoria la prenotazione.
