081 66 49 29
Via Porta Posillipo 135d, Napoli (Italia)


Monthly gym membership

80,00 / month for 12 months

In addition to areas dedicated to spa and aesthetic medicine, LifeLife has a five-star gym equipped with state-of-the-art, easy-to-use equipment. It is the ideal place whether you want to lose weight, increase muscle mass or simply want to keep fit.

Purchase our monthly membership!



The subscription will automatically renew at each monthly renewal for the duration of one year, after which a new package must be purchased.

You can suspend monthly renewals for up to 3 monthly payments directly from your user area.

The subscription can be suspended at any time by contacting us at or 081.664929, partial monthly payments already spent are not refundable.

Per info e prenotazioni scrivere su Whatsapp al numero 081 66 49 29. L’eventuale disdetta deve avvenire non oltre 24 ore prima del trattamento o il voucher si considererà fruito. Il pacchetto può essere acquistato in promozione solo se preacquistato attraverso la transazione con coordinate bancarie o attraverso l’acquisto online. L’acquisto è valido per la durata di 6 mesi ed è obbligatoria la prenotazione.
